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Record Number of Countries in the WMAC 2024

MONA­CO, June 27, 2024 — The city of Gothen­burg, Swe­den, will host the World Mas­ters Ath­let­ics Cham­pi­onships (WMA) Cham­pi­onships, August 13 – 25, 2024. The Cham­pi­onships, which date back to 1975, will have a new record of mas­ters ath­letes and coun­tries in atten­dance. Over 8000 ath­letes rang­ing between the ages 35 – 100+ will com­pete in run­ning, jump­ing, throw­ing and race-walk­ing events in both sta­dia and non-sta­dia, run­ning and walk­ing disciplines.

Swe­den tops the entries with 1883 par­tic­i­pants, fol­lowed by the USA with 602, Ger­many, 579, Unit­ed King­dom 558 and Spain 369. The WMA high­lights the atten­dance of ath­letes from 111 coun­tries; many are mak­ing the jour­ney to Swe­den after over­com­ing the many bar­ri­ers of train­ing, and the chal­lenge of reach­ing com­pe­ti­tion stage, par­tic­u­lar­ly in coun­tries like Cuba, Mon­go­lia, Venezuela, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic of Con­go, Indone­sia, Ghana, and Papua New Guinea.

We couldn’t be more pleased to attract such an unprece­dent­ed response to the Gothen­burg cham­pi­onships! We take great pride in pro­vid­ing the high­est lev­el of com­pe­ti­tion for mas­ters ath­letes, but also cre­at­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share their inten­si­ty and pas­sion with like­mind­ed com­peti­tors from around the world. Our ath­letes have many com­pelling and unique sto­ries; that are riv­et­ing and inspir­ing. Our Cham­pi­onships are tru­ly a cul­tur­al expe­ri­ence in every sense for the par­tic­i­pants.” Says Mar­git Jung­man, Pres­i­dent of WMA.

WMA and the LOC wish to rec­og­nize our part­ners: Göte­borg & Co., the City of Gothen­burg and the Swedish Ath­let­ics Asso­ci­a­tion, for their involve­ment in bring­ing to real­i­ty the Gothen­burg Cham­pi­onships. The GAA grate­ful­ly acknowl­edges sup­port from Göte­borg & Co, Got Event, and the City of Gothen­burg.

About us:

The World Mas­ters Ath­let­ics orga­nizes, reg­u­lates, admin­is­ters and pro­motes pre­mier ath­let­ic events for ath­letes thir­ty-five and over, of all abil­i­ties. It also encour­ages their pas­sion for active healthy com­pe­ti­tion, glob­al cama­raderie, and cel­e­bra­to­ry spir­it. https://​www​.world​-mas​ters​-ath​let​ics​.org

Rep­re­sent­ing the Local Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee (LOC), the Gothen­burg Ath­let­ics Asso­ci­a­tion (GAA) is a key mem­ber and the nation­al gov­ern­ing body for track and field in Swe­den. GAA is com­mit­ted to the devel­op­ment and advance­ment of its 52 affil­i­at­ed asso­ci­a­tions, includ­ing cul­ti­vat­ing a strong com­mu­ni­ty foun­da­tion. The GAA’s vision is to pro­mote ath­let­ics, as an inclu­sive and life­long sport, and cre­ate a sup­port­ive envi­ron­ment for elite ath­letes. https://​www​.2024w​mac​.com

Media Con­tact:
LOC: Lot­ta Lars­son

Clara North­cott
World Mas­ters Ath­let­ics
+1 4165625900
email us here