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Live and on-demand streaming of the championships

We are thrilled to announce that the 2024 World Mas­ters Ath­let­ics Cham­pi­onships will be broad­cast­ed live and on-demand from all three venues this sum­mer! Thanks to an excit­ing part­ner­ship with the local pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny, Trans­form Media, the action will be brought direct­ly to you.

Trans­form Media is com­mit­ted to cap­tur­ing as many mem­o­rable moments as pos­si­ble, ensur­ing a front-row expe­ri­ence for view­ers world­wide. With the tai­lored plat­form, WMAClive​.com, you won’t miss a sec­ond of the excite­ment. We will pro­vide 250 hours of live events, replays and highlights.

Get your full access today at an ear­ly bird price by vis­it­ing WMAClive​.com. Join us in cel­e­brat­ing ath­let­ic excel­lence and sup­port the incred­i­ble ath­letes com­pet­ing in this renowned event.